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United Knoxville Inasmuch Day is August 19th

Churches in downtown Knoxville are stepping outside the church walls and into the streets together to serve the community with United Knoxville's Inasmuch service day on Saturday, August 19th, with service projects available from 8am - 5pm across various locations.

There are several service projects happening, including helping UT Students move in, cleaning the building and grounds at South Knox Elementary, nursing home sing-a-longs, building a rest area at the Change Center, creating welcome packages for immigrants at Bridge Refugee Center and more. There are projects for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Register to serve today!

You can sign up for projects at the link below, or for a more extensive list, fill out the form on the brochure and drop off at the First Baptist Church welcome center (510 W Main St in downtown Knoxville). Learn more in the links below.

You can also serve by donating items listed in the brochure below for Bridge Refugee Services welcome packages. Needs change daily! Please order items from Amazon and bring to the Kick-Off at First Baptist Church on or before August 19, 2023. See brochure for more info.

August 16

"Learning the Language of the Church" Fall Worshipful Wednesday Starts: August 16th - September 27th!

August 19

Please join UKirk on their Work Day on August 19th!