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Presbyterian Women Annual Fall Coffee

First Presbyterian ladies, please join us for the annual Presbyterian Women coffee on August 13th!

Saturday, August 13th from 10 o’clock to noon is the annual PW Coffee at Colleen Riordan's home at 1312 Astoria Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37918.

If you are new to First Presbyterian and are not in a PW group, please join us! This is a great way to get connected and to meet some new faces. We would love to see you plugged into a Presbyterian Women circle.

Presbyterian Women serve as a loving community that can challenge and nurture you, affirm your call to leadership and spiritual growth, and serve in missions and outreach.

For all PW circles below, please bring a savory snack or sweet to share. Thank you!

Julia White Circle - sweet snacks
Effie Rule Circle - sweet snacks
Chi Rho Circle- sweet snacks
Lydia Circle - savory snacks
Esther Circle - savory snacks

For any questions, please contact Jenny Bryan at

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