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Rally Day 2022

Rally Day is August 14th! Join us for a Delicious Breakfast, our Fall Faith Formation Kickoff, Blessing of the Backpacks and Presentation of bibles to our third graders!

We have been doing lots of planning and work for faith formation classes and activities in the Fall to engage all members of the First Presbyterian family. We will kick off Rally Day on Sunday, August 14th with a catered breakfast at 9 am. This year's theme “Building On…” acknowledges new beginnings at FPC with a new Senior Pastor and many exciting changes at the church, while building on the strength of all God has done in our community as we celebrate the 230th birthday of First Presbyterian!

We emphasize the following areas of development as we commit to:

Building on... a Strong Foundation (Understanding our History)
Building on... God's Mission in the World (Global / Local Missions)
Building on... Developing our Faith Formation (Christian Education)
Building on... Growing & Nurturing the Body of Christ (Evangelism & Fellowship)
Building on... our Time and Talents (Stewardship Time / Talents)
Building on... our Worship and Glorifying God (Worship)
Building on... Telling our Story (Communications)

Please join us for a catered breakfast in the Fellowship Hall on August 14th at 9 am followed by an extended program to kick off the new church calendar year.

Children, youth, teachers, and students of all ages: please bring your backpacks to the 11 am service for the annual “Blessings of the Backpacks.”

Third Graders (and parents), please join us during the 11 am service so we can present your bibles!

Don't forget that Rally Day is the last day to bring school supplies for the Dogwood Elementary school drive and an excellent opportunity to sign up for the Baker / Taker ministry. See you on August 14th!

Breakfast cost: $10 / Adult, $5 / Child, $30 max per family. Please contact the church at (865) 546-2531 with any questions.

August 13

Presbyterian Women Annual Fall Coffee

August 14

Called Congregational Meeting on August 14th to Elect Officers at FPC