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Souper Bowl of Caring is February 11th - Please see list below of needs

For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has been inspiring people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities. Our Youth ministry will gather non-perishable food items and money to benefit First Presbyterian’s FISH pantry. They will be standing at the doors to the sanctuary on February 11th with large containers to gather all of our food offerings. Thank you for your generosity!

This year, all donations will go towards needed items for our FISH pantry. Please see list of items needed below:

  • Coffee - ground in bulk cans. (We bag it into smaller servings before it is given to FISH clients)

  • Cereal - Please choose brands whose boxes are not extremely large.

  • Shopping bags with handles - Made from recycled materials. Many of us get these free from charities, meetings, and shopping. These don’t need to be expensive. Our clients often need them to carry the groceries with given as they walk back home several blocks.

  • Snacks — Individually wrapped. We can put these out for clients to select as “extras”. Our clients really like choosing extra items. 

  • Canned vegetables — Not green beans or corn as we have these already. 

For more information, please contact Raymond McCord at

February 7

The last Worshipful Wednesday study Outside the Box: a study of Hesed and Redemption in the Book of Ruth continues on February 7

February 11

Youth Service is February 11th