A Note of Appreciation from the Local Missions Committee
We were overwhelmed at the response to the request for funds to furnish Dominique's new home - Thank you SO MUCH, First Presbyterian!!
At our meeting this week, members of the Local Missions Committee learned that the donations received to date for our Habitat House fund had far exceeded our goal, which was to match the amount raised by members of our partner congregation, the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan.
As a result we can now combine our respective funds to purchase a Lowes’ gift card for Dominique---the new owner of the house we constructed this past Spring---to obtain the appliances and other household items she needs to make her house a real home for her young family. Therefore, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to those of you who contributed to this fund as well to those who volunteered your time on one or more of the work days, provided food and beverages for the workers, and kept us in your prayers.
As we prepared our budget request for 2025, we were reminded once again of the numerous local missions our church supports on an annual basis, including our FISH pantry, the Volunteer Ministry Center, Justice Knox, Family Promise, two ministries that provide support and encouragement for women in recovery from addiction (A Hand Up for Women) and abuse (YWCA), the Interfaith Health Clinic, and the third grade teachers and students at Dogwood Elementary School.
In his sermon last Sunday, Mark Curtis referenced the Apostle James (Jesus’ half brother) who constantly reminded his congregation that “faith without works is dead.” As we witness the good works being performed by so many of our fellow congregants today, we can say with considerable confidence that the corporate faith of Knoxville’s old First Church is still “alive and well.”
Sincerely, Craig Wrisberg, Chair, Local Missions Committee