Caring and Coping Caregiver Workshop beneficial to FPC families and caregivers

Several members of First Presbyterian attended the "Caring and Coping Caregiver Workshop" last week presented by Alzheimer's Tennessee. Learn more about the resources provided by this organization here.

The workshop was designed to educate and provide support to caregivers of those who have Alzheimer's, dementia and related degenerative diseases.

Professionals were present to give a medical overview of dementia, legal and financial decision making advice regarding dementia, and the “ABC’s” of communicating with an individual with dementia. Members from our congregation who attended felt it very beneficial and plan to pass on information to caregivers in our church.

For questions about resources and support for caregiving, please contact Director of Adult Ministries Mary Wilson at or 865-680-2239.


Congrats to Kelly Norrell for a succesful book signing at Union Ave Books!


Featuring Libba Wall