Dogwood School Donations for New Playground

Hello Friends,

First, I would like to thank everyone for your generosity to the 3rd graders at Dogwood School at Christmas. I hope everyone had the opportunity to see the Thank You video they sent. Your outpouring of love means so much to them.

The school is in an ongoing campaign of raising money for playground equipment. There is a dinner and silent auction on February 25th to help raise these funds. They did this in February 2020 and it was quite successful. The students play a major role in the evening. Unfortunately, they were not able to have the evening in 2021.

The list below gives you information on how you can help with this campaign. There will be a box in the Fellowship Hall marked Dogwood School in which to place donations. All donations should be placed there by Sunday February 13th.

Any small item for a gift basket or a monetary donation will be appreciated. Thank you again for your continued support and love for Dogwood School.

Paulette Anderson

Contact Paulette at 865-573-4946 or 865-567-4879

Note from Dogwood Elementary for needed supply list (please leave in the box in the Fellowship Hall by February 13)

Dogwood Elementary is having their annual Dogwood Dinner on February 25th. We are looking for support from the community to help raise money for our playgrounds. There are a couple ways that you can support this cause. You can attend the dinner by buying tickets at or you can help by donating things to our silent auction.

We need the following to finish off some baskets:

  • crockpot

  • Gift cards/money to put in baskets or to purchase needs for baskets

  • Garden basket

  • Small bag of bird seed

  • bird feeder

  • small bag of soil

  • seeds

  • gloves

  • garden tools

  • anything for a garden

  • Kids art basket

  • drawing pad

  • construction paper

  • paint

  • crayons/markers/color pencils

  • any craft stuff kids can use


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