First Presbyterian Knoxville Accepts Aid for Ukraine - Give Online Today

This is a Reuters photo of Ukrainian refugees crossing the border into Poland. To date, more than 2 million refugees have fled Ukraine

First Presbyterian is accepting donations to provide humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine.

Shortly after Russia attacked Ukraine last week, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) launched an appeal for funds to help support the Church’s humanitarian response to the war. As the violence continues, the number of people being displaced internally and fleeing to neighboring countries increases by the day.

To date, 2 million refugees have fled Ukraine. PDA, which has well-established relationships in Eastern Europe, has said its priority is to provide funding to workers on the ground including sibling churches and ecumenical partners already supplying refugees with basic items for survival. Needs expand into bordering countries in Central and Eastern Europe where refugees are fleeing. PDA’s Office for Refugees and Asylum is also coordinating with its partners in those places to provide aid.

You can make donations online to "PDA Ukraine" at First Presbyterian Church here (please select the correct category), or directly to the Presbyterian (USA) Disaster Assistance emergency response to the Ukraine War at Emergency Aid to Ukraine here. The crush of need is great, and your donations and prayers make direct aid possible. Thank you!



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