Giving to the Pastor's Benevolence Fund

Of the many great, and most impactful, blessings given us by the faithful saints of First Presbyterian Church was the establishing and generous funding of the church’s Pastors’ Benevolence Fund. This fund has been used over the years by the pastors of FPC – including Meredith and me – to help members of our church in times of need. We are proud to help our church family and plan to continue doing so.

Over the last few weeks and months, the balance of the Benevolence fund has become low. We have several members who have generously contributed to this fund, and we hope you might also prayerfully consider giving. Whether you offer a onetime gift, or an ongoing monthly contribution, this money will be used to support those in our church in need and will make a difference in their lives. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, I hope you will contact me or Meredith anytime.

Thank you for your consideration and for your continued generosity. We are truly a blessed congregation!


Mark Curtis

To give to the Pastor's Benevolence Fund, you can do so online here or put in the memo line of your check "Benevolence Fund" so that we can designate it accurately. Thank you so much for your generosity!


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