Gary Anderson’s Flowers Dance in Island Home

 When you turn onto Island Home Boulevard, the first thing you see is a riot of daffodils and hyacinths in the front yard of Gary and Paulette Anderson. Gary planted 1000 Ice Follies daffodil bulbs and 100 purple hyacinth bulbs in the late summer and fall of 2020, said Paulette. “It was a pandemic project. Gary planted them all himself with a post-hole digger.”

Today the flowers are up for the third year and are show-stoppers. They’ve survived snowstorms and killing frosts, including a March snowstorm in 2022, when Gary and Paulette saved the tender blooms by covering them with 16 bed sheets. “Gary loves yard work and flowers,” Paulette said. “He has an artistic mind. And as a wood carver, he’s very patient.”


Dogwood Elementary is collecting donations for their Playground!


Giving to the Pastor's Benevolence Fund