Dogwood Elementary is collecting donations for their Playground!

From Dogwood Elementary: Hello, First Presbyterian Church! We are in our final year of raising money to finish off our two back playgrounds. WOO HOO! Our final fundraiser for the year is our annual carnival on May 5th. We are looking for donations so that all the money we raise from our families can go towards the playground fund.

Thank you for continuing to be the hands and feet of Jesus for your community. We can't thank you enough for all your support that you have and continue to give Dogwood.

Ways to give: All money will go for supplies for the carnival or to the playground.

Dogwood Elementary is one of our local mission partners, and we have a long term relationship with this school, its teachers, administrators, and students. You can designate "Dogwood Elementary" in your checks, donate online, or leave gift cards in the church office to support the playground. Thank you for your generosity!


NO Worshipful Wednesday on March 15th!


Gary Anderson’s Flowers Dance in Island Home