Join the Prayer Chain List

Like any community, there are joys and hardships, and we are blessed to be able to not only support but to lift our voices to God on each other's behalf. The bible says in James "Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

We are moving our prayer chain email distribution to the church office, and have a separate signup list that you can add your name and email list to here.

If you were on the previous list, your name has already been added. Please note that there are weeks that there will be multiple emails sent out. Please do not hesitate to contact the church office to have your name removed if you don't want to receive all the emails. There is a board in the commons area on the 2nd floor and in the church office with current prayer concerns if you would like to keep up with them that way.

We would like to thank Teri McClellan for her years of service in collecting and sending out prayer concerns and her faithfulness and service to the prayer ministry.

To pass along prayer concerns, please send prayer requests of church members and their immediate families to


Tree Stump and Tombstones


Tree Removal in the Graveyard Last Friday!