Tree Removal in the Graveyard Last Friday!

You might have noticed that there is a tree missing in the Graveyard! Our gigantic Hackberry, at one point the largest of its species in our city and a Knox County Champion tree, was removed by crane and brave tree workers and arborists last Friday.

This tree was estimated to be planted around the the Civil War. Hackberrys are large deciduous trees native to North America, and typically live between 150-200 years. Our Hackberrys are recognized yearly by the Dogwood Arts festival and are celebrated each year for their strength, beauty, and resilience.

Our historic trees are a symbol of strength, stability and our enduring heritage and we are sad to lose this one. It was one of the oldest and largest trees in downtown Knoxville and could be seen from many of the breathtaking views of the city.

Stay tuned - while we are sad to lose this one, we plan on planting new trees as a congregation when the weather warms and continue our commitment to growth and new life at First Presbyterian!


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