PNC Update and Prayer Request - February 11, 2021
To the congregation:
The Session of First Presbyterian Church and the Presbytery's Committee on Ministry have endorsed and approved, respectively, the Ministry Information Form (MIF) developed by the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) over the past several months. That means our MIF will soon be posted on the denominational website and available for review by prospective applicants/candidates for our Pastor/Head of Staff position.
For your information, the PNC will be looking for the following leader characteristics in our next pastor:
Excellent communication skills (a good listener; able to communicate with and relate to all ages; respectful of diverse points of view)
Excellent preaching and teaching abilities (demonstrates spiritual maturity; provides leadership in worship; encourages congregants' use of their respective spiritual gifts; biblically astute; trained in and committed to the reformed/PCUSA tradition)
Flexibility/creativity (sensitive to the complexities/demands of urban life; open to the input of others when exploring creative options; open to various approaches to problem solving)
Strong administrative/leadership skills (dedicated to the PCUSA; contributing member of the Presbytery; capable of providing compassionate and competent leadership for church staff)
Dedication to local mission/service/outreach (a heart for city residents and the downtown community; excitement for urban ministry; sensitivity to cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity)
As always, we greatly appreciate your prayers as we begin reviewing the credentials of prospective candidates and conducting interviews.
We also covet your prayers for the person God is preparing to lead us in the years to come and for the leading of the Holy Spirit in helping us discern who that person is during our upcoming encounters with prospects.
In Christ's love,
Your PNC