PC(USA) Presbyterian Planning Calendars Available for Order Now!
2022-2023 Presbyterian planning calendars may be ordered now and will be shipped to First Presbyterian in late July or early August for pickup.
This 16-month, official PC(USA) calendar, which runs from September 2022 to December 2023 — is an outstanding and well-loved resource for pastors, church leaders and members interested in the life and mission of the Church. It features monthly planning and worship suggestions, lectionary readings, a liturgical color guide, fold-out synod, presbytery and world maps, plus directories of PC(USA) staff, offices, synods and presbyteries. The wirebound calendar (printed on pencil-friendly paper) measures 8½ x 11″ and is punched to fit a standard binder or hang on a wall.
Please call or email (jane@fpcknox.org) Jane in the church office at (865) 546-2531 if would like to order one. They are $10 each and you can pay by check or online. Please mark your payment Pres. Church calendar in the memo of your check or online here.
Thank you!