Phyllis Driver, Ann Myers Speak at Regional Presbyterian Women Gathering

About 60 Presbyterian Women from across East Tennessee, including several from First Presbyterian, attended the annual PW Spring Gathering at Farragut Presbyterian Church on May 6. Phyllis Driver and the Rev. Ann Myers were among speakers. A highlight was a talk by Commissioned Lay Minister Doris Thomas of Emmanuel Presbyterian, who described co-leading a multiracial group of about 55 Knoxville area residents to visit civil rights sites in Tuskegee, Montgomery and Selma, AL. during Black History Month. Rev. Thomas is a new member of the PWPET Coordinating Team.

Other speakers included the Rev. Rachel Penmore of UKirk, University of Tennessee Knoxville, and Lionel Hodges of Hope House, University of Tennessee Chattanooga. The group took an offering to alleviate hunger at both campuses.


Please give to the Pentecost Offering!


Presbyterian Women Enjoy Banquet May 9