Please fill out survey to partner with a Congolese family through Bridge Refugee Services

As a Matthew 25 congregation, we are committed to feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, and visiting the imprisoned. The Local and Global Missions Committees are joining forces to create a new opportunity to live into this mandate from Christ. 

We are exploring whether First Presbyterian Church would be able to partner with a refugee family through Bridge Refugee Services. Refugees flee their home countries for difficult and various reasons, seeking safety and new lives. Knoxville has served as that new home for thousands of refugees. Community Assistance Teams composed of volunteers are needed to help families navigate a new and often unfamiliar terrain. Volunteers help ease the burden of learning a new place and culture through assisting with specific needs. The goal of a Community Assistance Team is to help a family become self-sufficient in 6 months. 

Please fill out the following survey and let us know if you would serve as a volunteer to help a new refugee family. Volunteers will be trained and taught best practices by Bridge Refugee Services. For questions, please email Meredith Loftis at 


Help Wanted! The Mission Market Needs Cashiers


Peacemaker June Lorenzo to speak in Presbytery Sept 14-17