How to Give to Congolese Foster Children

A successful program that our church supports in the Democratic Republic of Congo to care for homeless children needs our donations. It is the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Fund, administered through the Presbyterian Community of Congo to provide foster care for homeless children in the Kasai. Financial gifts of any size are life-giving for the children who receive foster care through Congolese Presbyterian families. The donations are used to buy clothing and school supplies for children and teens.

You can give any amount, either online in the Congo Orphans and Vulnerable Children category on the church's giving portal, or with a check or credit card at the Mission Market. Note that $75 will outfit an elementary school student for a year with uniform, shoes, books, paper, and backpack. $100 will outfit a high school student. If you give either of those amounts at the Mission Market, you will receive a handmade angel ornament to remind you of the children. Please make checks out to First Presbyterian Church with "Congo Children" in the memo line.

This ministry has worked so well, keeping siblings together, meeting children's needs in a family setting and accommodating a greater number of children each year, that CPC now seeks to extend the program across all 13 CPC synods in Greater Kasai. Thank you!

For more information on Global Missions contact Kelly Norrell at


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