Welcome Reverend Dr. Andy Morgan!

About Andy Morgan

The Reverend Dr. Andy Morgan joins First Presbyterian Church as the Director of Family Faith Formation with more than ten years of church experiences as a DCE, campus minister, and senior pastor. Dr. Morgan, who is husband to Rev. Sarah Morgan (Second Presbyterian Church, Knoxville) and father to Robert (5) and James (2) is deeply passionate about the importance of faith formation at church and in the home. Dr. Morgan has a deep love of teaching and learning and has served as a retreat leader, keynote speaker, and panelist for a multitude of churches and conferences around the nation. Dr. Morgan couples his love of education with a playful curiosity of the world, evident in his expensive collection of Lego, vintage Nickelodeon toys, and multiple lightsabers (that his wife won’t let him keep at home). Dr. Morgan is excited to get to know and serve you as a colleague in ministry and support the wonderful pastoral leadership at First.

A Word from Andy

“I want to let you know how deeply excited I am to be able to serve with and worship alongside the First Presbyterian Church family of faith. While I have been blessed to have a variety of experiences and roles within diverse ministry settings, my passion has always been helping to facilitate moments when people begin to better know and own their faith. Teaching, training, writing, and facilitating programs afford me moments for my gifts to shine brightest and I am so excited to bring those gifts to First. I am excited to get to know you and for each of us, in our own way, to deepen our faith in God together.”

Dr. Morgan at a Glance

Congregational Experience

   2009-2013: Youth Minister at Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond

   2013-2015: Director of Christian Education at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church

   2015-2019: Campus Minister at UKirk at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

   2019-2023: Senior Pastor at Fountain City Presbyterian Church, Knoxville

Educational Experience

   The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies with Highest Honors

   Union Presbyterian Seminary

      Master of Divinity

   Union Presbyterian Seminary

      Master of Arts in Christian Education

   Candler School of Theology at Emory University

      Doctor of Ministry

Jehovah-jireh! It is a phrase that adorns our worship space and perfectly describes our long and vibrant history as a faithful congregation in the heart of Knoxville. It now also describes our journey to find our new Director of Family Faith Formation! When we met together as a congregation last Fall after worship for lunch and visioning, we could not have foreseen where God was leading. But after months of hard, prayerful work, our Search Committee has selected the perfect person for the job – Reverend Doctor Andy Morgan.

Andy is the current pastor of Fountain City Presbyterian Church here in Knoxville, where he has served for the last four years. He is bringing with him a wealth of education, knowledge, and experience in Christian Education and Faith Formation, with degrees from Union Presbyterian Seminary and Emory University.

Andy’s wife, Sarah, is the Transitional Associate Pastor for Congregational Life & Mission at Second Presbyterian Church, and they have two boys, Robert, who is five and James, who is two.

We cannot wait to welcome Andy to First Presbyterian Church at the beginning of June. Until then, please keep Andy and his family in your prayers as the transition into this new and exciting chapter!


Mark Curtis


Many Thanks to the Flower Guild!


How to Give to Congolese Foster Children