Presbyterian Women "Come See Columbia" Day is April 22
Presbyterian Women of this church are invited to attend the annual COME SEE COLUMBIA DAY on Thursday, April 22. Presbyterian Women from the Synods of the South Atlantic and Living Waters have gathered on Columbia Theological Seminary’s Decatur, GA, campus each year for 73 years.
Attendees will meet this year’s Columbia Friendship Circle Scholarship recipients and enjoy inspiring worship led by scholarship recipient, John McCrosky and seminary students. After worship, take a class with Columbia Seminary professors, enjoy lunch with scholarship recipients and their families, and end your time on campus with a tour of Mission Haven.
The only cost for this outstanding PW event is lunch ($12). Groups and individuals are welcome. The event is 9:30 a.m until 3 p.m.
Limited overnight accommodations available on campus. Please REGISTER HERE! You may also contact Val Thompson to register at or 404-687-4525 or for more information.