Presbyterian Women Honorary Life Membership Award presented to Cindy Hughs and Jennifer Maryanski
Presbyterian Women Honorary Life Membership Award winners Jennifer Maryanski (above) with Travis and Grayson Maryanski, and Cindy Hughs (below) with long-time WBIR anchor Bill Williams
The Honorary Life Membership (HLM) program was established in the Presbyterian Church to honor faithful service to the Presbyterian Women's organization and to the church. Every year, First Presbyterian's PW group honors the moderator and a special recipient. This year, because moderator Liz Key had already won the award, we were able to honor both Jennifer Maryanski and Cindy Hughs.
We are so thankful for these women and their faithful contributions to the church, UKirk, and beyond. Many thanks and congratulations to Cindy Hughs and Jennifer Maryanski!