Presbyterian Women Join Church Women United Event

About 10 members of Presbyterian Women at FPC joined the Human Rights Day Celebration hosted Feb. 3 by Knoxville Church Women United at Logan Temple A.M.E. Zion Church. Phyllis Driver and Celeste Whaley were program readers. Highlight of the service was presentation of a Human Rights Award to Fish Hospitality Pantries, which has provided food to Knoxville’s hungry since 1986. Accepting the award were Jim Wright, Fish executive director, and Beth Carroll Hunley, director of community programs and development. “We feel the same way you do about human rights. We want every person in the community to have what they need to thrive,” Wright told the group.

Church Women United, a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, has bound U.S. women together since 1941. First Presbyterian is a long-time participant of CWU. The Knoxville group will meet in March at at a date to be announced. All women are welcome. In a measure of the strength of Knoxville’s CWU, its president, Gussie Cherry, has just been elected president of the statewide CWU.


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Pastor Meredith and APCE in Birmingham!