Staff Updates at First Presbyterian: Saying Goodbye to Laura Harmon

We are sad to bid farewell to a vital member of our church staff, Laura Harmon, who has served in church administration at FPC for nearly ten years. Laura was the glue that held together many aspects of our church operations, providing strength and stability within our office. Her work extended beyond our congregation, as she collaborated closely with organizations like Bridge Refugee Services, Tennessee Stages, and Family Promise, ensuring smooth interactions with our volunteers and facilities. Laura championed the efforts of these organizations, supporting initiatives such as the Bridge Refugee sewing classes, making sure they had supplies and support within the church.

Throughout her tenure, Laura took on numerous roles with dedication. She was responsible for creating our worship bulletins, working with the Flower Guild, Presbyterian Women, the stewardship committee, and various other ministries. She also compiled the Advent devotional booklet, maintained vital church records, and organized our yearly Easter and Christmas flower fundraisers, ensuring people were honored, remembered, and celebrated. Most notably, Laura showed exceptional care for our homebound members through First Church Cares, remembering their birthdays, holidays, and important events with outreach and kindness.

Laura’s time at First Presbyterian was marked by the many ways she held the church office together and by her genuine reflection of God’s love, and she will be deeply missed. As she transitions to spending more time with her young son Patrick and husband Carlos, while continuing to teach piano at Pellissippi, we would like to honor her service with a love offering.

If you wish to contribute, you can do so through the link below in the "Love Offering" category (please designate for Laura) or by placing a check labeled "For Laura Harmon" in the offering plate. Thank you for your generosity.


Thank you to all who participated in Family Promise, from Britton Leitch


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