Why Shop at the Mission Market?
The Global Missions Committee at First Presbyterian Church recently donated $2000 to the Program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children of the Presbyterian Community of Congo. This money will help the CPC provide homes and foster families for hundreds of homeless Congolese children, one of the highest priorities now of the Congolese church.
Your purchases from the Mission Market are entirely responsible for $1600 of that gift. The $1600 is the 2021 Mission Market profits. (The additional $400 was an allocation from the Global Missions budget.) The money will help Congolese foster parents pay for food, clothing and school tuition for the homeless children, protecting them from a life on the street marked by violence, poverty and neglect.
Why should you shop at the Mission Market? You provide fair trade income for farmers and artisans around the world. And you support vital missions of the church, like this Program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children!