Youth Events coming up in December

Questions about the Youth ministry or looking to get your 6th - 12th grader involved? Contact Youth Director Katelyn Finch at

December 11th - Worshipful Wednesday and Pageant Rehearsal, We will meet for dinner at 5:30 and work on the nativity pageant! 

December 14th - Pageant Dress Rehearsal, We will do a dress rehearsal at 10:30am

December 14th - Youth Christmas Party, Following rehearsal we will have our youth Christmas party from 12:30 - 2:30 pm. Thank you to the McAdoos for hosting!

December 15th - Sunday School in the Youth Room 10-11, Middle and High School youth, please come join us as we explore scripture together in the youth room! 

December 15th - Youth Escape room outing. More info to come! 

December 15th - Nativity Pageant, Please arrive at 4:30. Dinner to follow!


Advent Events


The Christmas Joy Offering will be collected on Christmas Eve!