Purchase Easter Flowers in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One

Over the years, your generous donations have served to support the flower ministry of our devoted flower guild. We celebrate the Holy Easter season this year with displays inside the sanctuary and around the church grounds. We hope you will honor a special family member or donate in memory of a loved one.

The deadline for inclusion in this year’s Easter flower bulletin is NOON, Monday, April 3, 2023. When filling out the form, please enter one name per line. Suggested donation is $20.00 per name. You can drop your form and payment in the offering plate (please write “Easter flowers” in the memo line), at the church office, or by emailing Laura Harmon at laura@fpcknox.org. You can pay online here. Be sure to designate your gift “Easter Flowers” in the online giving category. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting the flower guild.


Check out the March Presbyterian Women of East TN Newsletter


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